Thank you, for your willingness to create
a link to our humble home. We are very grateful. We recommend
two styles of links:
- Text link
Your text link will look something like:
Bali Online: The Ultimate Source of Bali Info.
All you have to do is add the folloiwing to your Web page (we know, the
slogan is a little cheesy, but...):
<a href="">
Bali Online: The Ultimate Source of Bali Info. </a>
- Graphical link
Your graphical link will look something like:

Bali Online: The Ultimate
Source of Bali Info.
Adding a graphical link is equally simple; simply add
the following to your Web page:
<a href=""><img
hspace=10 vspace=10 align=left src=""><br>Bali
Online: The Ultimate Source of Bali Info.</a><br
If you need help, send us email. We'll be glad to help.