This is a time of darkness in Bali. The paradise that has captured
the Worlds imagination is shattered overnight. The international
communitys confidence in our country has been lost.
We represent a group of concerned Indonesians who refuse to sit
back and succumb to fear and helplessness. What we are trying to
do is not to ask why, who, or how, but to try to contribute something
tangible to the recovery of Bali.
- To form a united front in solidarity to Bali.
- To restore confidence in Bali.
- With reduced numbers of foreign tourists, to encourage domestic
tourism to Bali.
Action Plan:
As a symbol of solidarity, organize up to around 1,000 citizens
who live outside Bali to go to Bali all at the same time. This will
show the World that as fellow Indonesians, we care about Bali, and
we are not going to abandon it in these difficult times. This will
also restore the image of Bali as a safe destination.
In close coordination with elements of Balinese society, we will
organize a procession from the site of the bombing to Kuta beach,
culminating in a solemn gathering. It will feature prayers, poetry
readings, and musical expressions by a cross-section of prominent
To ensure that this is followed by a sustained media campaign to
encourage Indonesians to visit Bali especially during the Idul Fitri,
Christmas, and New Year holidays. This is to be carried out by appropriate
institutions such as the Indonesian Tourism Promotion Board, the
Indonesian Tourism Council, other tourism associations, and the
local government.
What is Needed:
- Tourism industry support. To ensure wider participation, airlines
and hotels will need to provide attractive packages (i.e. airfare
and hotel discounts).
- Financial sponsorship. Approximately Rp. 250 million is needed
to organize the procession/vigil and finance the campaign.
- Support from local and international media (radio, print and
television). In order to optimize publicity before, during, and
after the event, we need the media to extend coverage and provide
advertising space for the campaign.
So as not to lose momentum, the activities will need to commence
before the start of the fasting month. We propose Saturday, November
2, 2002 to hold the vigil/procession, which will be three weeks
after the tragedy took place.
This is only a brief introduction to our campaign. A more elaborate
action plan will be produced in due course.
- Nanda Hasibuan: (021) 310 2656
- Rubiana Fajar: 08161907820
- Laksmi Pamuntjak/Winfred Hutabarat: (021) 719 9288
Supporters of the Campaign
- Mr. Ali Alatas
- Mr. Albert Hasibuan
- Mrs. Atika Makarim
- Mr. H.S. Dillon
- Mrs. Elly Hutabarat
- Mr. Fikri Jufri
- Mrs. Adila Soewarmo
- Masyarakat Pariwisata Indonesia
- Badan Promosi Pariwisata Indonesia
- Indonesia Australia Business Council
Organizing Committee
Nanda Hasibuan, Rubiana Fajar, Laksmi Pamuntjak, Winfred Hutabarat,
Norman Wibowo, Rayya Makarim.
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