- United States: President
George Bush and Vice
President Dick Cheney, or to the Secretary
of State Colin Powell. Or write
to your Representative in Congress here, or your
Senators here.
- Australia: Prime
Minister John Howard, Foreign
Minister Alexander Downer, or your Senators at the Parliament.
- United Kingdom: HM Queen Elizabeth & Prince Charles
are reachable by sending invitations to The Private Secretary's
Office, Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA Prime Minister
Tony Blair has yet to have an email address, but you can contact
him by letter at 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA
or fax him at 0207 925 0918. Foreign
Secretary Jack Straw, or Members
of the Parliament.
- Japan: Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi, Minister
of Foreign Affairs Yoriko Kawaguchi through her official MOFA
web site.
- Germany: Chancellor
Gerhard Schroder.
- Indonesia: President Megawati Soekarnoputri,
Speaker of
the House Amien Rais, Chairman
of Indonesian Paliament Akbar Tandjung, Minister
of Tourism I Gde Ardika.
- South East Asian leaders: Prime
Minister Goh Cok Tong of Singapore, Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohammad of Malaysia, President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the Philippines, Prime
Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra
- Taiwan: President
Chen Shui-bian, Vice President
Lu Hsiu-lien, Premier
YU Shyi-kun, Minister
of Foreign Affairs Dr. Eugene Y.H. Chien
- Other world leaders:
- Click here for more world leaders
For others and those whose email addresses we do
not have yet,
send me an email if you have their
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