- Amri Yahya Gallery, Jl. Gampingan 67 (West
Yogya), Tel. 62-274-515135
- Ardiyanto Gallery
- Batik Art-Isnia, Brahma Tirta Sari Studio,
Desa Tegal Cerme KD V. RT 08 RW 14, Banguntapan Yogyakarta 55197, Tel/fax 62-274-377881
- Cemeti Gallery, Jl. Ngadisuryan 7A Tel.
- Kuswaji Gallery, North Square (western gate)
- Nyoman Gunarso Gallery, Jl. Wulung 63
- Sapto Hudoyo Art Gallery, Jl. Solo km.9, in
front of Adisucipto Airport Tel. 62-274-566366, 562443
- Shops at Taman Sari (Water Castle), West of
Karaton (porcelain, crafts, keris, carvings, masks)
- Tulus Warsito Gallery, Jl. Tirtodipuran 19 A
- Batik and Handicraft Research Center, Jl.
Kusumanegara, 2 km east of the main Post Office (introduction of batik making process,
pattern, etc).