Siti means
ground and Hinggil means high. The front gate is called Danapratapa and
is guarded by two giants statues called Gupala. One is called Cingkorobolo and
the other Bolopoto.
They are all supposed to protect the palace from any harm or evil. The
main part of the building is called Purwaritna, in which the Sultan officiated
his duties.
Beside this building, there are two store buildings called Panti Sumbaga.
One was used for the Sultan's private library and the building where the
Sultan lived or stayed is called Gedong Kuning. The palace visitors can enjoy the
atmosphere of the Keraton of former times by visiting the life-size drama of wedding
ceremonies, performed by puppets which are intentionally arranged to create such an
atmosphere. Many sets of gamelan (Javanese musical instruments), antiques and
heirlooms have made the palace of Yogyakarta a most interesting tourist attraction in
the city of Yogyakarta. The palace of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is a place where the
family and relations of Sultan Hamengku Buwono X make their residence.