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Prince Diponegoro, General Soedirman
and Dewantara Museums

Prince Diponegoro Monument Museum

This museum was the former home of Prince Diponegoro, a nobleman from Ngayogyakarto Hadininggrat who bravely opposed the Dutch between 1825 - 1830. The building still resembles a traditional Javanese atmosphere. The interior has been restored and many kinds of weapons used by Prince Diponegoro, his family and his faithful followers are on display. The museum is located north-west of heart of the city, in Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto.

General Sudirman Sasmitaloka Museum

This museum was the former home of General Sudirman, the first Indonesian Army General. It houses various weapons used in the struggle against the Dutch colony during the physical revolution following World War II, such as the lifter that was used to carry him during his guerrilla war. This museum is located in Bintaran Yogyakarta.

Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum

Dewantara Kirti Griya was the former home of Ki Hajar Dewantoro, the founder of the Taman Siswa Institute, the oldest national education institute established in 1932. He was both an educator and a fervent patriot fighting for independence. He was a close friend of Rabindranath Tagore (an educational figure from India). The building style, the carving, reliefs and the very attractive statues bring the image of harmony and dynamism of Indonesian cultural artwork.

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