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Aviation attractions to be seen in Buleleng, North Bali

DENPASAR ( Foreign planes will grace the Bali blue skies when aircraft from different countries join the Buleleng Fly-In 2001. The international aviation event will be held in the area of Letkol Wisnu Airstrip, Sumberkima Village, in the Gerokgak district of Buleleng, on Bali's northern shore, from August 23 to 26, 2001.

A total of 49 aircraft from Southeast Asia, Australia and Indonesia have registered for the event.

Aviation attractions to be on show include parasailing, aerobatics and a plane festival. A landing accuracy competition and fun flight are also on the activity list.

Air Force Marshall Alimansyuri, the country's top Air Force brass, has officially endorsed the inauguration of North Bali's new airstrip and given his support for the event.

Minister of Culture and Tourism and the Department of Air Communications have also given their strong support for the event, saying that it is expected to help facilitate the visit of foreign aircraft and crews.

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