I am a firm believer that
a visit to a destination is not complete without a gastronomical
tour of the culinary of the destination. And the tour can come in
multiple axes: savoring its original concoctions, which
often requires strong will power and stomach, as they may
be so far from what your senses and your stomach are familiar with;
or enjoying the destination's interpretation of other
cultures palatial creations. After all, no Chinese restaurants
in the United States nor Indonesian restaurants in the Netherlands
will be exactly the same as those in China or Indonesia.
For those of you who might want to introduce yourselves
to these culinary treats, here are some recipes.
Or they may be able to assist you in reliving the fond
memory of your Balinese and Indonesian culinary tour
in your own kitchen and dining room.
(Oh, and if you have a favorite Indonesian recipe
that you do not see here, please kindly
share it with us - lots of
dancing tastebuds will be very grateful.)
Selamat makan.
Soups and Salads |
Main Courses |
Deserts |
Note: Maybe related to the
constant dialectic between self and society,
unlike Wester culinary style, Indonesians do not eat
their meals one dish at a time. The soup, salad,
and main entrees are not served and savored one by one.
Instead, they all come to the table at the same time.
And, after piling a lot of rice on your plate,
you soak the rice with the soup and
the sauce of your rendang
will be more than happy to mingle with that
of sambal petai goreng.
And, if you are the type who insist on Japanese, short
chopsticks to properly consume sashimi (instead of the
Chinese style chopsticks), Indonesians traditionally use their
natural fork: their hands.
Crab Soup
2 litres of fish stock, 2 medium-sized crabs,
100 gram ginger,
50 gram scallions,
50 gram Indonesian parsley,
salt, pepper to taste.
- Make fish stock by boiling fish bones in 8 cups of water
- Remove these bones after a few minutes.
- Wash crabs, split into several parts
- Cut ginger into very thin slices
- Cut scallions and Indonesian parsley
- Reheat stock for about 5 minutes, put everything into the stock
- Add salt and pepper to taste
Baby corn soup
Ingredients: 5-6 ears of baby corn,
5 spoons of milk,
1 spoon of butter,
1 spoon of flour,
salt and pepper.
- Boil baby corn and let it cool
- Grind/powder corn with a blender
- Heat butter, put flour after it melts, mix evenly
- Put in powdered corn with salt, pepper, and milk
- Let it sit for five minutes in medium heat
Soto Madura
500 gr beef or internals,
100 gr bean sprouts,
80 gr rice noodles,
60 gr Indonesian parsley,
60 gr scallions,
60 gr ginger,
1 lime,
salt and pepper.
- Boil meat until done. Drain and cut into bite-sized slices.
- Remove the tails of bean sprouts, boil until half done
- Boil rice noodles separately
- Keep these in separate plates
- Cut Indonesian parsley and scallions
- Grind shallots, and brown it for a little bit
- Skin and cut ginger
- Make beef stock using beef bones boiled in water for about
an hour. Remove bones, and put in salt, pepper, ginger, and
- Serve the soto by putting the beef, bean sprouts, noodles into
a bowl. Pour soup into it.
- Sprinkle with Indonesian parsley and scallions.
Gado gado
A small bunch of long beans,
Young cabbage,
1 cucumber,
100 gr soyabean cake,
2 eggs,
5 pieces of red chili pepper,
5 pieces of small chili pepper (jalapeno or scotch bonnet),
3 pieces of shallots,
100 gr. peanuts,
lemon, brown sugar, and salt.
- Fry an egg and soyabean cake
- Cut into small pieces
- Boil one egg and slice it
- Boil young cabbage, long beans, and slice them
- Peanut sauce:
- Fry peanuts
- Slice shallots, and brown with chili peppers
- Mix and grind all these with brown sugar, lemon,
salt and pepper, and boil with a little bit of water.
(Use this sauce with satay as well)
Sweet and sour shrimps
Ingredients: 1/2 lb of medium sized shrimps,
5 pieces of garlic,
3 oz. flour,
1 piece of egg,
2 spoons of tomato sauce,
1 lime,
1/2 spoon of sugar,
salt and pepper.
- Clean the shrimps, remove the heads, keep the tails
- Clean garlic, and slice thinly. Sprinkle over the shrimps.
- Make a mix of the flour, egg, with enough water, salt, and
- Heat oil on a pan.
- One by one, put the shrimps into the pan by first dipping it
in the mix above. Fry until golden.
- Put on a plate, pour tomato sauce over them.
- Tomato sauce:
Heat tomato sauce, add sugar, and lime juice
Opor Solo
1 chicken, 4 cups of coconut milk,
6 pieces of shallots, 3 pieces of garlic,
120 gram candle nut, 10 gram corriander, 5 gram jintan,
3 helai bay leaves, 1 batang daun sereh,
100 gr lengjuas,
salt and pepper.
- Cut chicken into pieces
- Grind shallots, garlic, candle nut, corriander, and jintan
- Brown for a little bit.
- Boil chicken with 2 cups of coconut milk, put in
sereh and galanga.
- When chicken is about done, put in more coconut milk
along with the spice mix above. Add salt and pepper to taste
1 chicken, 250 gr of bread flour,
40 gr of sagu, 80 gr of onion,
8 pieces of shallots,
1 egg,
salt and pepper.
- Remove bones from the chicken, cut very thinly
- Cut onion into very small pieces
- Grind shallots
- Evenly mix all the above with bread flour
- Add salt and pepper
- Make mix into small discs about 2-2.5 inch in diameter
- Heat oil on a pan
- Put each disc and fry until dark golden
Beef Semur
1 lb beef,
6 pieces candle nut,
5 cm of ginger,
5 pieces of shallots,
3 pieces of garlic,
salt, pepper, soy sauce.
- Slice beef thinly
- Peel shallots and garlic, slice thinly
- Slice ginger and grind candle nut
- Brown shallots, garlic, ginger, and candle nut
- Put in beef and mix them evenly
- Add salt and pepper
- Add 2-3 cups of water so beef will cook evenly
Ingredients: 2 lb of beef,
20 pieces of shallots,
10 pieces of garlic,
150 gram red chili pepper,
50 gram ginger,
10 pieces of clove leaves,
60 gr kunyit,
300 gr candle nut,
5 helai salam,
8 cups of thick coconut milk,
8 cups of thin coconut milk.
- Cut beef into several-bite sized pieces, and boil until half done
- Skin shallots, garlic, and mix with chili, ...
- Brown this spice mix for a few minutes
- Boil beef and this spice mix in the thin coconut milk
- Put in daun
- Boil until dry
- Add thick coconut milk, boil until coconut milk dries while
mixing it occassionally
Sambal Goreng Petai
7 eggs, 4 strings of "petai",
3 cups thick coconut milk,
250 gr ground beef,
4 pieces garlic,
6 pieces of shallots,
6 piece of red chili peppers,
20 gr javanese lemon,
1 tea spoon sugar,
salt and pepper.
- Remove the yoke of the eggs (use just the whites)
Skin petai
- Slice shallots, brown a little bit.
- Mix ground beef with 2 egg whites, mix with sald, pepper to taste.
- Form small balls.
- Let the javanese lemon sit in a cup of water
The rest of the egg whites put in a place holder, and steam cook
- Cut into cube sized pieces
- Grind chili, garlic, and add sugar
- Heat pan with a little cooking oil, add shallots and the garlic
mix above, followed by the petai a few minutes later.
- Put in the javanese-lemon water, followed by the
ground beef balls, add salt and pepper.
- Let simmer for a while, then add the rest of the coconut milk
and the egg-white cubes.
- et simmer for another 3 minute.
Clam Satay
1 lb of clams,
5 shallots,
2 spoons of sweet soy sauce,
1 lime,
salt and pepper.
- Boil clams. After
they are done, let it
- Take the meat out.
- Slice shallots
- Mix shallots, soy sauce, and lime juice with the clams
- Add salt and pepper to taste
- Put clams in skewers, barbecue for a little bit
Beef Satay
300 gr beef,
5 shallots,
2 spoons of sweet soy sauce,
1 spoon of vegetable oil, 1 lime,
salt and pepper.
- Slice beef into bite sized pieces, slice shallots
- Mix everything evenly
- Put beef in skewers
- Barbecue in medium heat until desired level (medium rare
Bali Satay
350 gr beef,
1/2 coconut,
3 pieces of garlic,
4 pieces of red chili peppers,
1 spoon brown sugar,
10 gram corriander,
10 gram kencur,
1 lime,
1 teaspoon shrimp paste,
salt and pepper.
- Shred beef, shred coconut
- Slice garlic and brown it.
- Heat shrimp paste a little bit
- Get lime juice
- Mix garlic, chili pepper, brown sugar, corriander,
kencur, galanga, shrimp paste with a blender
- Mix evenly with beef and coconut and the spice mix above
add salt, pepper, and orange juice
- Form thumb-sized pieces from this mix, and stick each on
a skewer
- Barbecue until done
Sambal Goreng Ati Ampela
4 pairs of chicken's livers and gizzards,
5 pieces of shallots,
3 pieces of garlic,
5 pieces of red chili peppers,
4 cm lengkusa,
10 gr shrimp paste,
1 cup of coconut milk,
1 board of petai,
salt and pepper.
- Cut liver and gizzards into bite sized pieces
- Skin shallots and garlic.
- Brown shrimp paste
- Grind finely shallots, garlic, red chili peppers, shrimp paste
- Brown these spices and galanga, mix them evenly
- Add liver and gizzard pieces, and salt and pepper to taste
- Mix evenly and add coconut milk, let it simmer for
3 minutes.
Green Beans
300 gr greenbeans,
150 gr shrimps,
2 blocks of tofu,
1 board of petai,
6 pieces of red chili peppers,
5 pieces of small chili peppers (jalapeno or scotch bonnets),
5 pieces of shallots,
1 piece of chicken gizzard,
1 piece of chicken liver,
1 piece of galanga,
salt and pepper.
- Cut beans into slices of about thumb length
- Clean theshrimps, cut their heads, boil for a few minutes
- Slice petai thinly
- Grind pepper and shallots
- Slice liver and gizzard
- Slice tofu into cubes, and fry them
- Heat pan with cooking oil
- Put in the ground spices above,
- Add shrimps, fried tofu, galanga, petai - mix evenly
- Add also green beans, chili peppers, gizzards, livers
- Mix them well, and add salt and pepper
- Cook until green beans is about 2/3 done so it is still
a bit crunchy (al dente)
Pandan Cake
8 egg yokes,
6 egg whites,
175 gr sugar,
180 gr flour,
3/4 cup thick coconut milk,
1/4 tea spoon of salt,
3 spoon suji extract,
green food coloring.
- Boil coconut milk, salt, suji extract in low heat
- Beat egg yokes and egg whites and sugar
- Add food coloring
- Slowly add the coooked coconut milk, mixing it
- Butter the cake pan, put the mix inside
- Bake until done
Klepon Cake
300 gr sticky rice flour,
30 gr sagu,
8-10 suji leaves,
150 gr brown sugar,
300 gr coconut.
- Grind suji finely, mix water. Shred coconut
- Mix flours, add suji and a little water.
- Form balls, put brown sugar inside
- Boil until done
- Sprinkle with shred coconut
250 gr flour,
70 gr butter,
1 egg,
2 pieces of chicken legs,
100 gr carrot,
50 gr scallions,
4 pieces of shallots,
2 pieces of garlic,
15cc sweet soy-sauce,
200 gr bread crumbs,
- Mix 1/2 of the egg with flour and butter
- Form thin layer of squares - for wrappers
- Remove the bones from the chicken legs, cut into small pieces
- Skin carrots, boil until half done, and cut into
- tiny pieces. Cut scallions into tiny pieces.
- Grind shallots and garlic.
- Heat pan with butter. Put in shallots and garlic.
- In a couple of minutes, put in chicken
- Stir a little bit, and put in carrots, scallions
- Mix evenly.
- Add salt and pepper to taste, add sweet soy-sauce.
- Cook until chicken is done.
- Put 1 spoon of the result above into each square.
- Wrap it.
- Dip it in the 1/2 egg left, pour flour.
- Heat oil in a pan.
- Deep fry the risoles on medium heat until golden brown.
- Serve with hot chili pepper.

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Bali Online