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Beware of snatchers!

DENPASAR ( Travelers to Bali are advised to be careful with their belongings as bag snatching, pickpockets and stealing are becoming increasingly rampant in tourist spots. Other than the unsuspecting tourist, the thieves also target belongings from Losmen (inn) rooms and parked cars in busy tourist centers.

Bag snatchers operate on motorbikes. The pillion snatches (sometimes slashing the strap), the driver shoots off before the unsuspecting victim has figured out what's going on. It's advisable to keep moneybags under your shirt, and make sure you have your money safely tucked away before leaving the bank or moneychanger. Keep good hold of shoulder bags.

Another common technique on public transport is for one person to distract you while the other pilfers your wallet. So watch out for anyone engaging you in inane conversation whilst on board a crowded bemo.

If you are staying in a losmen, check the security. If you have one of those superb open air bathrooms, keep the bathroom door locked as thieves can enter this way. Always lock the door when you go out, even if it's just for a moment - or even if you lie down for an afternoon nap. They have been known to steal from under your nose whilst you contentedly snore off those lunchtime beers.

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