Endek Bali Bali Gifts
Kain Endek Bali

Endek Bali details This museum-quality Balinese silk ikat is estimated to be 100 - 150 years old. The unusual centre motifs, which suggest human or animal hearts, exude a powerful sense of ritual significance. Its rich, deep colours -- blood red, purple, green and white -- are enhanced by the almost-iridescent sheen of handspun silk, and were achieved entirely with natural dyestuffs. The colouring, design and weft ikat technique invite comparison to Bali's sacred kain cepuk. It may have been used to cover a corpse or wrap sacred objects.

50 cm x 310 cm (one side is accordion-folded in photo).
In good condition, but fragile, with numerous small, round holes are evenly distributed over the piece.

Price: US$368.-

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Endek Bali
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